Menopause Survival Guide

Sensitive to cold and numbness in fingers and feet. Chebura Exercises【Chebura-style #19】

Sensitive to cold and numbness in fingers and feet

To be sensitive to cold and numbness in fingers and feet

To be sensitive to cold and numbness in fingers and feet are the menopausal symptoms. One of the factors is a bad blood sycle to be nervous system in disorder in addition to being rapidly decline of female hormone.(It maybe hidden a brain desease that it is numbness in half of the body. Without hesitating, let’s see a doctor.) Moving your body has a huge positive effect on the circulation in your fingers and feet. As previously stated, let’s try to exercise to fix your stiff neck.

The exercise to prevent or inprove your condition to be sensitive to cold and numbness in fingers

1 Lace fingers of both hands and stretch your arms in front of your chest.
(Palms direct the front)

2 Stretch out your arms directly overhead.(Palms direct overhead.)

3 Unclasp and put down your hands with swinging the arms. Such steps are repeated about 3 times.(Swing the arms)

Kyoko Nagata