Every women go through menopause.
Every women go through menopause, however about 10% of the women do not experience menopausal symptom. Moreover, other 90% of the women feel menopause symptom, and 25% of them experience the menopausal disorder that makes their everyday life very difficult. Some may believe this is “the temper of one’s mind”, however, such symptoms cannot be controlled by their own will. Health is invisible that makes the importance of being acknowledged by others.
Menopause is “tumbling down a steep hill”??
“Menopause” happens to women aged between 45 and 55 years old that sometimes referred as “tumbling down a steep hill”. This, also, indicates the 10 years before and after the occurrence of menopause (note: every women experience different years, period and type of menopause). The importance of focusing on the role of female hormones that change dramatically during this period.
Kyoko Nagata