
Reasons for the Longevity of Japanese People

Reasons for the Longevity of Japanese People #1
Dietary Habits
The Japanese diet is well-balanced, rich in fresh fish, vegetables, soy products, and seaweed. These foods reduce the risk of lifestyle diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.

Reasons for the Longevity of Japanese People #2
Advanced Public Health and Medical System
Japan’s medical system is of high quality and easily accessible, with a strong focus on preventive medicine. The system’s ability to facilitate early detection and treatment contributes to extending healthy life expectancy.

Reasons for the Longevity of Japanese People #3
Active Lifestyle
Many Japanese people incorporate physical activity into their daily lives. The use of public transportation and walking naturally increases physical activity, contributing to health maintenance.

Reasons for the Longevity of Japanese People #4
Social Connections and Community
Strong ties with family and the community are crucial elements supporting mental health. These connections encourage social participation among the elderly, reducing feelings of isolation.

Reasons for the Longevity of Japanese People #5
Ikigai and Mental Health
In Japanese culture, finding one’s “ikigai,” or reason for living, is recognized as an essential element for longevity. Hobbies, volunteer activities, work, or relationships with family, etc., provide meaning to life, enhancing psychological satisfaction and maintaining health.
Feeling a sense of ikigai reduces stress, prevents depression, and brings a sense of fulfillment, which extends healthy life expectancy and leads to longevity. In other words, not only physical health but also psychological fulfillment is a key to longevity.